Thursday, September 07, 2006

Did you know that water responds to words, thoughts, music...and,

I found this so amazing and intriguing since we're almost 80% water
that it was like an epiphany! What an awesome thing that we're able to actually
influence and change something like water...with our thoughts!

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a leading proponent of how we influence water and, therfore, us
with thoughts and feelings has written a wonderful book
The hidden Messages in Water.*
In it he writes about discovering that... "crystals formed in frozen water
reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed towards them"

He found that "water from clear springs and water that had been exposed
to loving words, show brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns"
In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negatives thoughts, form
incomplete, "assymetrical patterns with dull colors".

*Available from your favorite bookseller or from Beyond Words Publishing or telephone 503-531-8700 (ISBN: 1-58270-114-8, $16.95, 192 pages (64 color) soft cover.)


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