Today excitement ensues...I could be a Millionaire Anytime! Ok, Ok...maybe...but,
I recently joined as a member of "Lotto Magic" a Florida based Lottery club that
pools many people's money (thousands) to play the Florida of the biggest in the nation.
i t usually averages 75 - 85 million dollars per drawing. Lots of Moolah!
Anyway, to my amazement, almost everyone plays the Lotto...they either
admit it...or they don't! Kind of like McDonald' one admits that they actually
eat there...but we know that they do...after all, They are the largest hamburger joint
on the planet.
So, after mentioning this to several of my RVing friends well as my new Twitter family,
I was pleasantly surprise at the positive reception..."I can do this as a business on the road in my
So, all you nomadic travelers still saddle with planetary bills...and who have been searching
for a mobile way to earn a few extra dollars...check this out...It's paying me!
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